Saturday, February 12, 2011

White-tail Deer Management

The PA State Game Commission's management plan for White-tail deer is in effect from 2009 to 2018.  The five main goals to this plan are to manage deer for a healthy and sustainable deer herd, manage deer-human conflicts at levels considered safe and acceptable to Pennsylvanians, manage deer impacts for healthy and sustainable forest habitat, manage deer to provide recreational opportunities, and improve the public’s knowledge and understanding of deer and the deer management program.  The management plan's new idea is only allowing hunter's to shoot a buck with 4 antlers or more on one side.  This will allow younger buck to mature.  The Game Commission also pushed back doe season a week after buck started.  I like the idea of this program.  I remember when it was launched there was a lot of speculation in our area.  Turns out, after two years, the plan has had major success.  I like this plan because it allows deer populations to be less destructive on farm land and there are bigger buck in deer season for recreational purposes. 

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