Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Beaver Management Plan for Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania State Game Commission's plan for beaver management will be in effect for years to come.  The three main goals for this plan are to establish sustained beaver populations within suitable habitat, monitor the beaver harvest, minimize beaver damage complaints, increase public awareness and knowledge of the benefits of beavers and their habitat, and provide opportunities to use and experience beavers.  Common names of the North American beaver include beaver, American beaver, Canadian beaver, and el Castor.  Beavers are very common throughout Pennsylvania.  Though they are good to the environment, they can be a public nonsense.  As part of the management plan, the relocation of beavers from public places is smart.  The plan also includes the exploration for new beaver habitats.  More studies will also be done on trapping.  This plan has many pages of information and objectives.  For the complete management plan, visit the PA State Game Commission's website.

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