Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Hunting Dog "Scrapper"

Scrapper is one of a kind in my book.  I purchased him as a pup from Roger Wagner.  I was 13 years old and full of fire to train my first dog.  We grew up together; I trained Scrap and he trained me how to train him.  There was nothing better as a young man spending the summer of 2006 training a dog morning and evening dreaming of being state and world champions.  All that hard work paid off.  The 2007 year was a breakthrough of the dreams I had.  We gathered many wins and many memories.  Scrapper taught me the joy of winning but the humbling truth of losing.  I (Matt) am now 18 and Scrapper is 5.  I am currently in college at Penn State Wilkes-Barre but Scrap and I enjoy teaming up every few weekends to hit the woods.  I will be entering Scrapper in a few competitive hunts in 2011.

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