Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Tournament of the Season

Saturday, April 16th I played in my first golf tournament of the season.  This tournament was a benefit for the Penn State Survey Society.  I have attended this event for three years now.  The format is a "scramble" style tournament.  In this format, a team of four players work together in order to get the lowest score on 18 holes.  Each hole starts with everyone in the group hitting tee shots.  The group then decides which shot was the best and plays their next shots from that spot.  This repetition continues until the ball finds the bottom on the cup.  The goal is to get the lowest score possible.

Conditions were harsh as we played.  Alot of wind and rain made shapeing the golf ball very hard.  To make matters worse, the cold made our hands numb and it was harder to "feel" the shot.  All setbacks considered, we did just fine.  At the end of the round we found ourselves at 4 under par and second place.  For the third straight year this was our fate.  Second place is not bad considering the conditions but we feel we could have scored alot better.

There is no replacement for a round of golf with your buddies.  Good fellowship and some good golf shots make for a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  We may not have won, but the memories made every year at this tournament are very special to me.  This is a good tournament for a good cause and I am eager for next year's scramble.

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