Sunday, April 24, 2011


Easter is a time when Christians all across the globe celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It’s a time to reflect and appreciate all Jesus did for us.  Churches all across the world woke early this Sunday morning to hold sunrise services."  What an amazing occasion that is worth getting excited about!

Jesus told the prophecy to his disciples days before his death.  He knew his death was near and that he would arise from the grave the third day.  He was nailed to a cross on Good Friday, shedding his blood so that we all can have forgiveness of sins.  Jesus' body was placed in a tomb with two Roman guards protecting the entrance.  On the third day an angel appeared.  The guards were frightened but the angel told them to go tell the city the news of his resurrection.  Mary, who came shortly after to tend to the body, was shocked to find the grave empty.  It was true.  Jesus had risen!

It is always good to reflect on this day the real reason for Easter.  For me, my Easter starts every year by getting up early and attending "Sunrise Service" at my church.  After Church, my family goes to my grandpa's house for lunch.  I enjoy this because it is not every day that I get to enjoy a home cooked meal.  My younger cousins have an Easter egg hunt in the yard after our food has settled in our stomachs.  I usually find myself reflecting during this time back to when I was young and ran around gathering eggs.  When the egg hunt is completed we usually held home and relax the rest of the day.  Without question, Easter is one of my favorite holidays for religious and family reasons.

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