Friday, January 21, 2011

Big Ben's New Image

Ben Roethlisberger got himself into a lot of trouble over the 2010 offseason.  He was accused of sexual assaulting a University of Georgia student.  Needless to say this brought shame to the Steeler nation.  Big Ben has two Super Bowl wins with the Steelers since he was drafted in 2004.  Beloved by Steeler fans, Ben made a huge mistake as a person in his position.  Suddenly, he found himself one of the most despised sports athletes in the Pittsburgh area and around the world.  I compare Big Ben to athletes such as Tiger Woods or Brent Farve.  All three athletes damaged their image. 
Roethlisberger entered the 2010-11 football season with a four game suspension.  Many speculated how he would handle to comeback.  Tiger Woods and Brent Farve failed at this aspect.  Ben, on the other hand, thrived during his comeback.  This season he was one of the top ranked quarterbacks in the NFL and is leading his team to the AFC Championship game. 
                For Big Ben to accomplish this feat, says a lot about his character.  Personally, I never thought Ben would handle this situation this season as well as he did.  Right out of the gate, he committed himself to be a better man and player.  He accomplished both.  Most fans in Pittsburgh have reaccepted Ben.  Wounds take time to heal and Ben did all he could to speed up that process with his fans.  Whether it being signing more autographs or sacrificing his time and money to charity, Ben did all the right things.  The AFC Championship game is Sunday January 23rd and I am on edge to see how the new Ben Roethlisberger handles another run at a Super Bowl.

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